Unlock Endpoint

The lock level is a security setting on the ERT that locks it to prevent reprogramming. ERTs that support the Unlock Endpoint action command can be set at any of three lock levels:

  • No Lock. ERTs set at this lock level can be programmed by any mobile Field Tools device that has been configured with your utility’s ID.

  • Soft Lock. Endpoints set at this lock level must first be unlocked by a mobile Field Tools device that has been configured with your utility’s ID before they can be programmed.

  • Hard Lock. ERTs set at this lock level must be physically unlocked before they can be programmed.

Use Unlock Endpoint to unlock soft-locked ERTs so you can reprogram them. The ERT remains unlocked for five minutes, after which you must unlock it again if you want to continue working with it.

You must have Unlock Endpoints permission to perform this function.

Unlocking an ERT prompts you for inputs. The inputs vary by device. Expand the device type you're working with for its input details. For descriptions of the results, see Result and success fields.